Elite Opti-Mim Mini-Twin Bracket .022
Imitates a natural tooth shape for superior performance
Elite Opti-MIM Mini-Twin Brackets feature a patented tooth-shaped design resulting in a smaller bracket, which delivers
uncompromised strength and control throughout the treatment process. Each fully programmed bracket has a compoundcontoured
base for better bracket to tooth fit. All brackets are manufactured with our Nickel-Lite® stainless steel (Cobalt
Chromium Alloy) material to protect nickel sensitive patients.
Elite Opti-MIM Mini-Twin One-piece Bracket offers unsurpassed quality and ease-of-use:
• Available in Roth, Nanda, and McLaughlin, Bennett, and Trevisi prescriptions
• Torque-in-base allows precision and control of torque
• Each Elite Opti-MIM Bracket and buccal tube feature our patented micro-etched
Grip-LOK Base for greater bond strength and reduced bond failure
• Both the regular and low-profile Elite Opti-MIM Brackets are radiused and polished for
maximum patient comfort
• Mesial and distal tie wings are parallel to the tooth’s anatomy giving the clinician an additional reference point for
accurate placement
• Low-profile first and second mini molar tubes feature a stronger bond strength and reduced bond failure
• Brackets sold individually or in patient sets for easier inventory control Single-Piece Durable Construction